Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Andrew vs Water (Frozen edition)

Last weekend, Andrew was kind enough to show me the boulders at East Draw, at the base of Eldorado Canyon. It was really sweet to find dry rock baking in the sun on a day where most of the front range areas were just beginning to melt out. It ended up being pretty amazing with 35 degree temps and tons of sun. I really liked the problems at this area.
Below is a picture of myself on The Infinite.

Andrew on the very classy Pig Dog

Though it was a great day, it wasn't all Lions and Turkish Delights. We noticed huge icicles hanging at the top of the cliff. They weren't going to keep any climbs from going down, but after a while the icicles in some spots started melting enough that the fell from up above. This seemed scary to everyone.

This gave Andrew a chance to test his theory that you can solve any problem by throwing rocks at it... It also gave both of us a chance to really freak out a friendly Boulder local named Chad.

Below you can see Andrew sizing up the target, 4' long icicles at the top of the cliff.

Andrew lets loose. I love how you can see the rock flying towards the ice...

And we have contact. Just be sure you run away before you catch any of the raining ice that follows.

Very stick send Andrew...


sock hands said...

better beta is to throw mini aussie dogs at the ice and they eat it up as they fall back to earf.

it's a very tidy and satifying process... the feel good event of the year.

i'm surprised and ashamed for you for not knowing this basic beta.

Situner said...


Did he really onsight it, or did it take a few tries?

Please update, as this information is crucial to my existance.

Looks like lots of fun kids!

Thanks for the postingness T-bone!
