So, it's been mostly crazy lately in my world. Lots of work punctuated by "f-around as hard as you can" sessions! It's all been one hell of a great time though!
Since last post, I have visited the "Gateway to the West". Ahh yes. That wonderful city of St. Louis!!!! I had a great time with my old friends Kevin Mech and Andy Elliott as we ran all over the place drinking beers, hanging out, and just enjoying ourselves as much as the heat and humidity would allow.
We visited the Budweiser brewery, which was pretty damn impressive, and had a sampled beers that we have all had several times over. (worth it)
As you can see in the photos, we all developed the "I'm having fun" face at some point in our time of being on the ham-side of the camera.
I had the great pleasure of going to a Cardinals game with Kevin and Andy (above) where we drank beers, roamed around, and tried not to get my ass kicked for wearing a Rockies Jersey. (at least it was Matt Holliday's Jersey...he now plays for St. Louis)
Although I got flipped PLENTY of shit for the Jersey, we had a great time and made it out alive.
I've been getting out climbing lately as well! (psyched X10 if you can't tell). I've been to rocky and Evans already this season, as well as several B-Side areas throughout the state.
It was super cool to get up to Emerald Lake early and work Whispers of Wisdom and Real Large while Diggs took down "The End" in quick order. Alpine season has arrived friends, and it's just as good as we all remember!
Unfortunately, no sends were recorded for me at Rocky, but lots of progress on lines I'm interested in.
I got out to Evans with Lucas and Rylan and tried Silverback quite a bit before realizing I was horribly outmatched! The boulder / Teva Games crew was on hand at the Dali boulder making it a fun day. (wink, wink, nudge-nudge for those of you in the know)
As I mentioned... there are some incredible B-Side areas that are PRIME right now. I've been up to Three Sisters with Diggs and other crews lately, and had great sessions and enjoyed sends every time.
This is Rich on "Your Orders" which is MUST DO for the area. I'm happy to report he sent, and I encourage you to go to this incredible area if you have never been. (hell, invite me and I'll give you a tour!)
What else in CO is looking good right now? Well... we THOUGHT Newlin Creek. However, it is sweaty at best, and swimming in a 300LB woman's taint the rest of the time.
Thomas, T.J. and I still had a great time warming up on Tojo Rising and Riders on the Storm before heading over to Megaladon to try our luck. No sendingness due to it being V7 / V11, but still a great time. You can see my RAGE face below at trying to best this beast.
After working at Megaladon, we went down to the Nickness boulder where T.J. tried William Shatner while Thomas and I worked the stand start to the Nickness.
So yea. Busyness defines my life lately. Thanks to everyone who has invited me to sessions, and tolerates my nonsense!
One last thing: Can anyone tell me how to clean out my camera properly? I've tried wiping the lense (both sides) with the special cloth, and blowing off the mirror, but I still have the nastiness below showing up in even photos.
Any ideas on how to clean?
Thanks for checking my blog friends!