Friday, August 15, 2008

Guidebook Controversy

As an aside from the usual light-hearted foolishness that occurs on this blog, I just wanted to take 5 minutes to spread the word.

As most of you know, there is a controversy going on right now regarding a new climbing guide for Colorado. This guide is to include all of Mt. Evans, and R.M.N.P.

I won't try to sum up the issue, as others have done it far more eloquently than I can.

Climbing Narc has a well thought out post HERE.

Jamie Emerson, who has had some time with the guide also reports some of the inaccuracies HERE and HERE.

I believe that there is no stopping the guide, but I certainly would appreciate it if they would put out, as climbing narc says, "a responsible and accurate guide".

You can email any thoughts or comments to Falcon at and I would encourage you to do so. Please do not just send useless slander or outrage, but make intelligent points. I've sent an email and would be happy to forward it to you if you would like to see what I mean.

Back to the silliness soon kids.

In the meantime, I believe the Mt. Evans Clean and Climb has been rescheduled for Sunday, August 17 due to the lousy forecast for Saturday. Contact me if you need last minute updates!

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