Monday, March 1, 2010

The day of sendingness / the rest of Moab

The rest of the Moab photos... in no particular order.

Alexis day 4...
Elizabeth working Army of Darkness... Asher sending "army". It's what the Shay-Nimmerows do.
Flailing on Choss (Spelled Chaos)
Diggs crushing project "Block Party"
The Flanimal on the Rehab...(for injuries)
Elizabeth pretending to heel-toe cam, but just being tall instead!
More Diggs Sendingness...Brown Power anyone?
Mom's blocks have given me a compulsion...
Ahh yes. Gotta love "Washed Up"
Elizabeth. Basketball Diaries.
See Above.
Who the "F" is this "A-H"????
Rich Crushing on Choss... (Chaos)... Why did we drive so far when Castlewood is so close? (nyuk nyuk nyuk)
More of Rich Getting it done.
My courtship was short lived...but BEAUTIFUL!!!!! (For real though...looking forward to sends in future trip)
So...Asher. Yea. He might be the next Daniel or Paul. Way to come off of injury and almost send a SOLID 8. Jealous dood. Jealous.
Elizabeth on "washed up".
So. Yea. As I said. One heck of a trip. Thanks to all the fool faces who showed up and threw down!

And thank you to Diggs and Elizabeth for photos!!!!! You Rock!


Situner said...

All photos are untouched and exactly as they fell from the magic picture boxes.

Thank you to Diggs and Elizabeth for sharing their shots!!!!!


Respectfully yours,


Situner said...

The above comment means I was too lazy to adjust Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, and color temperature for shots.

Sorry kids.

Situner said...

Triple threat on OWN BLOG!!!

I = innovator!!!


Anonymous said...

I miss Moab so much it hurts.

chuffer said...

epic foto assault!