Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I spend a lot of hours a day trying to find a job on-line and by the time I'm done I just don't have the stones to sit and write a post.
In attempt to make it up to you, I offer this update for what has been going down lately.
CAUTION: Extreme Wickedness Below
I know you won't believe this, but YES ladies. He IS single. July 11 (yes, I'm that far behind) saw us at lower chaos. It's looking good kids. Snow has melted out from under almost everything you could want to get on.

As usual, the Flanimal was CRUSHING. She sent Revenge very quickly as well as everything else she touched. (Including a FULL bottle of Lemonade. Gross.)

Not many pictures taken that day, but we did run into this lanky beast in the middle of the trail on the way down. He just trotted in front of us for a while and disappeared. Weird.

Saturday the 12th brought us to Mt. Evans for a good day. Erin way off the deck on the nice slab problem behind the Ladder. Worth doing kids.

Kevin getting his hands on some Maker's Mark. So fun. I can't believe I'd walked past it so many times! Then again, it was RAINING most of those times.

This v3-v4 sits just to the left of makers mark. Beautiful view no?

Stones kids. Big Stones. Both to climb on and what it takes to climb. That sums up Area B. Here Lee Payne cruises the horror show "last dance".

The butterflies this thing produces cannot be conveyed in pictures. It is HUGE. Thomas put in several VERY GOOD efforts, but I think we will come back when the snow berm is higher.

Dave also climbed strong on the problem. However, it was a little out of his comfort zone up high.

This roof / flake feature just BEGS to be traversed. Who am I to say "no"?

Alexa also took a lap on this incredibly entertaining problem. Crush Alexa CRUSH!

Biggity decided this lip traverse looked worthy as well. The mantle is certainly difficult! Dave put up a line that comes out from directly beneath Kevin called "comfort zone". Appropriate because it's not 30 feet tall, and the crimps are PAINFUL!

Back to the Park. Friday, July 18 was another trip to lower chaos. If you get on these things enough, I swear you can send them! Kevin pulled hard and managed to tick Revenge! Nice job dood!

Flannery basically flashed Tommy's Arete. She had a false start that I swear she did on purpose. (going for the no pressure send) Mucho respect Flan! And nice send!

Saturday and Sunday the crew split up. Kristen, Rich, Dave, and myself all headed to red-cliff after some rope-swinging shenanigans. Though none of us really finished projects, we did make good progress. Rich and Kristen have Minturn Mile all worked out, and Dave and I are close on Return of the Jedi (Dave especially). Oh, and look at that GORGEOUS lantern sesh!

Sunday morning, I woke in my tent barely able to move. After breakfast, a couple warm-ups and a failed attempt on Jedi, my day was over. Everyone was feeling pretty tired, but Dave raked together the grapes to get on Immortality. He's got the beta worked and is ready for a cooler day for the send.

Despite being incommunicado for the better part of two weeks, we have been climbing and fun has been enjoyed. I hear there are designs for all sorts of destinations this weekend. Where's the session at kids?
dope update!
some awesome pics and news. way to go all on amazing sending. that roof flake looks sick.
red-cliff was so much fun, and I really want to see the park!
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