Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Happiest Place on Earth...

No, not Disneyland...Red Cliff! Rich, Matt, Fiona and I had a great weekend camping trip. What does Red Cliff have that Disneyland doesn't?
Crash pads to sit on...with a beer...
hammocks...with a beer... Subaru tailgating...
big boulders to stand on...and no one's mom telling Rich hip thrusts are inappropriate...
OK - the number one thing Disneyland doesn't have is climbing. Fiona warms up on the boulder in the campsite...
Rich nabs a sick FA on the boulder...
Matt needs tall man beta for Immortality...
Mercedes came up late Saturday afternoon to work Return of the Jedi - she's super close to linking it from the bottom.Dave Wahl is back in the game, working projects again.
And...Red Cliff is my happiest place because...
Diggs sent Minturn Mile!

1 comment:

sock hands said...

woah r there super scary spider webs on the minturn mile top out?

yay beer.

yay photos.