Sunday, January 27, 2008

Did you know?

Carter Lake is 101% WICKED.
Oh, and if you DID know, then why the heck didn't you tell the rest of us!?! Here, Keven gets all Urban Climber cover on a problem most of you can recognize with your eyes closed. Kahuna roof looks fun, but there are some other things in the area that i'm even MORE psyched on. Photos of those to come soon. W3RD to everyone for coming up and keeping it interesting even for us gimps that aren't pulling!


Situner said...

Way to mis-spell Kevin's name and not catch it before publishing jack-ass.

Situner said...

Way to over hyphenate your comment numb nuts.

sock hands said...

wicked biggs shots!

yeah tifosi!

yeah carter!

yeah red bull and theraflu!

[sorry for no-showing sat. night... differenter things occurred]