Morrison South. Circuit town. The land of dirt and smiles.
Sunday was a goof-around session and a very enjoyable one.
After over an hour of working the line in the background of the following pictures to no avail, Andrew spotted this King Line and we immediately set to work.
Andrew and I were able to do the "high start" (all things relative) fairly quickly. Then we noticed the low start.

Matt totally dominated the low start to this climb. It was hilarious to watch him go and tag the holds for the other start just to make sure it was valid.

No joke, I put more effort in on this thing than I care to admit. The low start is just not... shall we say... my style. Getting my ass off the ground required a monumental effort.

This is how all my attempts at the lower start ended. It's amazing how hard you can fall from a mere 2 feet off the ground!

Next up, we hiked all the way up the ridge to a boulder none of us had been to before.
There was a very enjoyable problem that kept us all entertained and saw several flashes.

I would totally recommend it to anyone. There are supposed to be some harder contrivances right by it, but we could not spot them.
Judging by old climbing film, we sort of did a hybrid of The System and The Shell.
Anyone know what is going on this coming weekend yet?