Monday, November 10, 2008

Poudre / Scarface

Man I'm slow with the updates.

Last weekend we had a great day up at the Poudre. While picking up permits at the local tourist trap, we decided that if it really WAS hunting season, we should probably get something bright in attempt not to get shot.
Why are all of these hats not only HIDEOUS, but made of shitty materials? It seems Andrew didn't quite understand the concept.
Anyway, after warming up, it was all about Scarface. Cat was CRAZY close to sending this thing. Plans are in the works to get back soon.
Kristen was moving very smoothly through the crimpy low section but is having trouble sticking the jump move.
After complaining that the problem was stupid and he would never do it, Andrew pulled on and sent right away. NICE DOOD!
Bato spent about 2 goes figuring out the moves and sent quickly (as usual).
Unfortunately, he split a tip repeating it for the camera. I swear I am a curse upon that poor dood! At least we got some nice shots!

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