Sunday, February 8, 2009

Throwing like a girl...

Clearly, chuck has tossed some eggs at houses and lemons at little kids in his time.

It's a textbook throw. Feet shoulder width apart, arms balanced, and focus on target.
I'm sure the analysts at sports-center would agree that Digg's delivery is a little... ahem... nontraditional. She looks like she's about to stab Nelson (below) in the head with an invisible knife not toss a stone into the sunset. I'm not even sure where to start with this one Steph.
It's almost like that nightmare I had where Randy Johnson (look it up) was throwing cups of J-E-L-L-O at nursing home staff while trying to climb the couch and relive the "glory days".
And are those eyes closed!?! Sadly enough, I couldn't throw further than either of them.
At least I have a spot on the Rockies roster if I can shoulder the shame.


Unknown said...

BOOOYAAAAA shits weak Rockies!!!!

sock hands said...

i laughed a bunch, then my old man parts hurt. skiing hurts.

enjoy that underhanded pitch.