Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Memorial Plaque Dyno

This problem is in a VERY well traveled area of Priest Draw, AZ but rarely glimpsed by visitors. While receiving the tour from a few locals in August of 2006 Diggs and I were given the back story and an opportunity to climb this line. Robert Drysdale was a very active developer in both Priest and Howard draws. One day when climbing in the area where the plaque is found, a large piece of stone broke off of the problem he was working, falling on and killing him. Some view doing the climb starting from this memorial as tribute. Others vehemently express that it is sacrilege. In my opinion, a climber like Robert would find it both humorous and fitting to have his life remembered in such fashion. You make the call for yourself.


Situner said...
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Situner said...

I'm also curious... Do you think adding hand and foot holds to my tombstone would be amusing or disturbing?

Olecram said...

It would only be disturbing a little when people see a crew rolling in with dozens of pads to pad out the landing...

Situner said...

Dude! Where the heck do you think they're going to bury me that you will need not one, but SEVERAL pads to cover?