Your favorite Rich sent his first "real" V6 on Saturday!
Those of you who are familiar with the problem know what a struggle this is. Definitely hard for the grade and a proud send! Celebrate Rich! You deserve it!
The problem in question is Building Blocks at Vedauwoo. Rich and I ventured up to Wyoming to pick up his brand new Organic pad and enjoy some of the local boulders. Aside from Rich's mad sending skillz, the trip had quite a few highlights. They include:
- Deep Fried Mac & Cheese!
- Me, pushing over a big boulder. Who's a tough guy? I'm a tough guy!
- 1 box of Twinkies, 5 people, no leftovers!
- Rich demonstrating his high ball slab climbing technique. Very interesting. Seems like it would have been easier without all the shaking and fear in his eyes. But hey, whatever gets you to the top!
- Chicken Finger Breakfast!
- Proof positive that getting a new Organic pad will immediately bump your bouldering a V-grade. Guaranteed!
- Something so creepy and disturbing that I can't think about it without laughing uncontrollably. Apparently this isn't a normal reaction. I love Wyoming!
- American style sandwich!
- Rad Co Op climbing gym in downtown Laramie!
Building Blocks is one of the most classic problems I've ever seen. A pure power problem that involves big moves between good holds. I know a lot of strong climbers who had quite the time with it. More importantly, Steph would never be able to do it. It also has cobbles that stick out of the rock to form the coolest holds. Unfortunately, much like the trail of Zacarias Moussaoui and the underground tunnels at Disneyland, there were no cameras capturing this wicked send. Below are several artists renderings that were compiled.

yah Rich! Great sendage!
this post gave me great pleasure and upsidedown frowns
Awesome post Thomas! Throw in a stick drawing of my mother, and I think you really have something here!
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